Initially, Alan wanted to be a materials engineer - but instead, he pursued art. As an artist, he experimented with painting, multimedia, and drawing, but was drawn back time and again to sculpture. Through his training in sculpture, Alan learned the secrets of metal casting in bronze, silver and gold leading him to create functional art. Leading him into knife-making.

Current Models
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Custom Models
Some info. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Licensed Models
Alan’s has knife models in production by some of the finest manufacturers such as CRKT.

The thing that keeps me in the knife community is the willingness our community has to share knowledge rather than horde it. If you have questions – ask! If possible, I’ll answer.
Alan’s hand-crafted blades can be found if you keep your eyes glued to the following